How to Get the Most Out of FAIR Training

January 23, 2019  Chad Weinman

We perform dozens of  training courses on  FAIR and risk analysis per year that involve hundreds of people. We often have the privilege of staying in touch with many of the participants (whether they become  RiskLens customers or become active in the FAIR  community). From these discussions, we've developed insights on how to get the most out of FAIR training.

Pre-Course: Get Rid of Distractions

There isn’t very much to do in preparation. We expect the majority of participants to have zero knowledge of FAIR at the start. The best pre-course task you can do is to proactively wrap-up any timely tasks that may be a source of distraction during the course.

During Course: Be Active

This means participating in discussions, asking questions and really engaging in the risk analysis exercises. We absolutely understand that you are busy and also understand that many participants often have to leave for periods of time for important meetings and other fire drills. However, as an active participant in the room, ensure you are present with the course. This means not checking Outlook or Yahoo news. When a participant is active, we know you're learning and the entire class as a whole will be elevated!

One other consideration that is indirectly related to being active is energy. Live training sessions are all-day in duration. By the end, both participants and the facilitators are mentally exhausted. Get a good amount of sleep and avoid eating BBQ or heavy Italian lunches. Those are just some simple tips to help you "physically" stay active.

Post Course: Use It or Lose It

In our opinion, this is the most important stage. After the course, the participant has an opportunity to really “dive in” and solidify their improved risk analysis skills and capabilities. This can also be a time when that new knowledge can slowly "evaporate” over time if not further solidified.

First and foremost: keep analyzing risk! The number one way to solidify the skills is to practice. The first few risk analyses you complete will be challenging and uncomfortable. It's a new approach for many. But after six or even a dozen, it's like riding a bike. You will be in the “FAIR state of mind”.

Get Certified and Be Recognized as a FAIR Expert

Finally, consider validating your solidified knowledge of FAIR and risk analysis by getting the Open FAIR certification. The training course covers all the knowledge necessary to get you ready for the certification. You may also want to read the experience of a young professional who recently passed the certification exam in a blog post published by the FAIR Institute.