Making a Business Case for Threat Intelligence Gateways (TIGs) – Jack Freund in Threatpost

October 2, 2019  Jeff B. Copeland

Threat intelligence gateways (TIGs) are next-generation technology that aggregate a large number of threat-indicator feeds to block activity on the wire in real time and can “immensely alleviate data management and help operationalize threat intelligence,” RiskLens Risk Science Director Jack Freund writes in a just-published article for Threatpost. But TIGs aren’t for every security operation, Jack cautions: “It’s important to determine if there’s a business case given your other resources.”

Many organizations use FAIR analysis through the RiskLens Platform to run what-if, cost-benefit analysis on a TIG acquisition, Jack writes, for instance for

  • Technology cost reduction on decommissioning another tool
  • Work effort reduction on hours saved by automating threat investigation
  • Loss avoidance: “Calculating a risk reduction in economic impact using dollars,” based on catching additional threat events daily.

By shifting the focus from a purely technical argument to one driven by FAIR analysis based on risk quantification in financial terms, Jack writes,  you’ll make a pitch for a TIG with “a business case on factors that can help non-IT decision makers make a better assessment of a solution’s importance.”

Get the details - read the complete article in Threatpost,   Cyber-Risk Business Cases: Using Economic Impact to Justify TIG Investment.