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Financial Services

RiskLens helps members of the financial services industry analyze and communicate cyber risk and prioritize cybersecurity investments, based on a Value-at-Risk model compatible with financial industry and regulatory standards. 

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The Foundation of Effective Cyber Risk Management

The banking and financial services sector knows that cyber attacks can pose a radical risk to their operations, so creating an effective cyber risk management approach is imperative.



Analyze & Communicate Cyber Risk Effectively
Quantification of cyber risk in financial terms generates reporting that’s easy to understand by decision-makers and the board, clearly presenting choices on a cost-benefit basis.

Prioritize Cybersecurity Investment
Quickly identify your top risks, then focus on the most serious of them to explore controls investments and optimize the ROI of your spend for risk reduction.

Meet Regulatory Requirements
NY DFS, FFIEC, OCC, FDIC, SEC, the Federal Reserve – all have issued rules that require financial institutions to identify and disclose their top cyber risks based on a defensible standard like FAIR™.

Rapidly and Consistently Assess Top Risks

Get a readout on your top cyber risks across many parameters in minutes. See top risks for bottom-line impact, for probable losses from an unavailable application, for most likely to exceed risk appetite and more. Run full analysis on selected risk scenarios to understand the range of probable outcomes.

Better Justify Cybersecurity Investments

Change the conversation around cybersecurity in your organization – stop talking about risk in technical speak and start talking about return on investment in risk reduction. Justify new cybersecurity projects — or assess best security options for new digital projects — in financial terms.

Produce Reporting You Can Take to the Board

Lead the organization in defining a cyber risk appetite based on risk scenarios you generate on the RiskLens platform. Financially-oriented cyber risk quantification builds the foundation for solid strategic decisions.

Case Study: Fortune 500 Financial Institution Designs Cybersecurity Program to Meet NYDFS Requirements

Organizations are leveraging the RiskLens platform that operationalizes the FAIR model to look beyond the minimum compliance requirements to help address the above requirements in a more meaningful way – measuring and communicating cyber risk in financial terms.

Get the Insights

Accelerate Digital Growth.
Optimize Cybersecurity Investment Decisions.

Ask our team of cyber risk experts how we can help you quickly launch a FAIR™ standard CRQ program at your organization.


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