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Calculate the Impact of Your Industry’s Greatest Cyber Risks with This NEW Tool

It's FREE: Learn exactly how to evolve from heatmaps and qualitative cyber risk analysis to financial or quantitative assessments with this simple tool.




Access My FREE Industry Cyber Risk Calculator!

Is there a quick way to calculate the financial impact of cyber risks in your industry?

Yes! RiskLens has developed an all-new Industry Cyber Risk Reporting tool using empirical data and automated analysis to produce customized reports in easy-to-understand terms.
Now you can use this reporting tool to:
  • Understand industry-specific cyber risks in financial terms anyone can understand.
  • Remain informed about top sources of cyber risks facing your industry today.

  • Instantly share a defensible estimate of your industry's greatest risks and potential losses (like Insider Error, Ransomware, and Web Application Attacks by industry) with business stakeholders.

How Should You Use an Industry-Based Cyber Risk Report?


Leverage empirical data to uncover potential security risks based on real events and real losses.

Customize inputs to estimate event probability and loss using light firmographic data.

Benchmark! Learn how you can compare your security posture to your industry's benchmark when you Sign Up and access your FREE Industry Reporting tool.


Improve Internal Discussions Around Cybersecurity Decisions

Team Silhouetter

If stakeholders are asking you:

"Why should we invest in these controls?"

"What could happen if we ignore this risk?"

"How bad could it be?" 


Unfortunately, qualitative assessments alone won't help you answer these questions, nor guide you to better decisions.

Download the 2023 Annual Cyber Risk Report


This recently released report features deep dive insights from CRQ experts on top cyber risk scenario loss exposure by industry, by threat category, and more.

Download the 2023 Annual Cyber Risk Report!

"It's hard to quantify"

...sound familiar?

We hear this story from hundreds of cybersecurity professionals, auditors, and investors seeking a common way to read, understand, and make recommendations across the organization.

Thousands more are paralyzed in analysis and lack the right approach to make the most basic security decisions.

Gain Clarity on Urgent Industry Threats


Easily explore crucial insights about the greatest risks upon which you should be focused.

Upgrade when you're ready to see how you stack up against your industry peers.

Join Thousands of Organizations in the Risk Quantification Movement 

Inside Error - Benchmark Report - ScreenShot-1
Cyber Risk Quantification in financial terms was born when Jack Jones, CISO at Nationwide Insurance, recognized the importance of communicating the COST of negative cybersecurity events and other errors across the organization in a way board directors, C-suite, and any business unit could understand. 
This realization led to the creation of Factor Analysis of Information Risk,
the only open standard for Cyber Risk Quantification.

Now, Cybersecurity leaders across the globe
recognize FAIR as the best way to accurately assess, compare, and make financial decisions about risk.

Upgrade to My Cyber Risk Benchmark And Compare Against Industry Peers

The RiskLens My Cyber Risk Benchmark Tool automatically compares your organization’s Cyber Risk to your Industry Peers 

 This works for any size organization in almost any industry.   

Track themes like region, company size, security posture, and more in one web-based tool.

Sharing With Peers and Unlock Bonus Credit! 

Share or email this report to your network and unlock deep discounts on your My Cyber Risk Benchmark subscription. 

Begin exploring the clear way to communicate risk across your organization for FREE, here.