RiskLens built the Risk Treatment Analysis capability into the RiskLens platform for quick decision support when the organization must choose among options for cybersecurity controls, based on return on investment (ROI) for risk reduction. Decision support just got quicker, with the introduction of native PowerPoint export from the platform for Risk Treatment Analysis (or Comparison Assessment) reports – run the analysis, show the results in a meeting minutes later.
How RiskLens Risk Treatment Analysis Works
Starting with a risk assessment, an analyst can create up to four different comparative analyses of controls options to see the effect in risk reduction of each vs. the current risk exposure. But Risk Treatment Analysis also reveals deeper views of the problem space, so your presentation can be tuned to the interest level of your audience, from board members (e.g., show them risk reduction for every dollar spent) to front-line risk owners (e.g., show them loss exposure by threat actor type). As you’ll see in the samples below, the PPT presentations stay simple and easy to grasp, no matter the level of granularity.
Samples of RiskLens Reports Exported to PowerPoint Slides
At a high level, reports show hard numbers for change in risk, change in cost to implement a control, and cost/benefit for every dollar spent. In this Workstation Breach report, enhanced encryption is the winner, reducing risk by $2.1 million for a $300,000 investment or $7 for every $1 spent.
Next, see the power of Risk Treatment Analysis to slice and dice reporting results for greater depth of support for decision makers. Drilling down on the encryption option for effect on loss exposure by assets most at risk, comparing current state to after risk treatment:
By top threats presenting the highest aggregate annualized loss exposure:
Here’s a look at the effect of enhanced encryption across multiple risks that were included in the risk assessment.
And there are many more reports. These native PowerPoint, fully customizable slides can be easily cut and pasted into corporate PowerPoint templates for a finished look. No matter the depth of the dive into the selected treatment option, the RiskLens PowerPoint exports remain easily digestible representations that keep the conversation at an elevated level.
More Capabilities of the RiskLens Platform for Fast and Flexible Reporting
RiskLens recently introduced an API that exports RiskLens platform reporting to executive dashboards generated by custom reporting products such as Tableau, as well as GRC platforms (currently RSA Archer, ServiceNow, MetricStream and LogicGate, with more on the way). As your risk landscape changes, the RiskLens platform changes and in turn updates the third-party applications you use for reporting. Look for our suite of API endpoints to grow this year…