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Risk Treatment Analysis

Risk Treatment Analysis allows organizations to assess and compare risk treatment options and demonstrate the ROI of controls investments for reducing cyber risk, something impossible to do with legacy qualitative methods.


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Why Risk Treatment Analysis?

  • Compare Control Options for Risk Reduction
  • Enable a Risk Management Workflow
  • Communicate Tradeoffs in Financial Terms

Evaluate the impact of cybersecurity initiatives - including people, process, technology - in financial terms and prioritize the efforts that are most effective in reducing risk, in the specific context of your organization.


Consistently assess the materiality of the risk you are facing and the adequacy of your response. Confidently tolerate the risk if it is immaterial or evaluate which risk treatment option is most effective in reducing the risk to a level below your organization’s risk appetite.


Leverage reporting to show results and comparisons in the financial, non-technical language that the business and decision-makers want to see.  Empower decision-makers to make risk-informed decisions by showing them the available risk treatment options and the related trade-offs.


Challenges Addressed by Risk Treatment Analysis

  • Understanding the effectiveness of controls
  • Validating control assumptions
  • Comparing multiple controls options

Calculate how effective your various controls options are in reducing risk, by comparing inherent and residual risk.

Test the claims of technical security experts by understanding how given controls or security architectures explicitly affect the likelihood or impact of given cyber risk scenarios.

Eliminate unnecessary ‘religious’ debates based on people’s opinions and quantify which control options are most effective in reducing risk.

How Risk Treatment Analysis Helps Your Role:

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Evaluate the trade-offs involved in pursuing alternative security strategies, by understanding the effectiveness of various risk treatment options.

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Manage cybersecurity from the business perspective, by objectively evaluating which controls are most effective in reducing risk.

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Risk Analysts

Quickly conduct what-if analyses and automatically generate reports that present comparison results in in the financial, non-technical language that decision-makers want to see.

See Risk Treatment Analysis in Action

Hear from our dedicated risk quantification experts on how Risk Treatment Analysis with RiskLens can help organizations:

  • Understand the effectiveness of controls in reducing cyber risk.
  • Prioritize scarce security resources based on financial impact to the business.
  • Communicate security investment decisions in financial terms.




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