RiskLens is sponsoring Pragmatic Use Cases for Cyber Risk Quantification, an online conference hosted by the FAIR Institute Thursday, February 24, 11:30 AM – 2:30 PM ET that will deliver a lot of value in three hours for any stage of adoption of quantitative risk management for technology and cyber.
The presentations include:
- Tyler Britton of Dropbox with advice on FAIR™ program launch
- Richard Levitt from Thrivent Financial with an analysis use case for MFA adoption
- Ignatius Liberto of Department of Energy on growing a FAIR program in the US government
Plus, you’ll hear pragmatic advice from two leading thinkers in risk management:
- Jack Jones, RiskLens Chief Risk Scientist, explaining the new, breakthrough FAIR Controls Analytics Model (FAIR-CAM™) and how to apply it to your NIST CSF compliance program.
- RiskLens Board Member and renowned expert on enterprise risk management James Lam on “Critical Do’s and Don’ts of Cyber Risk Board Reporting”.
Finally, RiskLens will lift the curtain on a soon-to-launch tool to give organizations of all sizes and maturity levels fast and easy access to data-driven insights about their cyber risk.
Pragmatic Use Cases for Cyber Risk Quantification
Thursday, February 24, 11:30 AM – 2:30 PM ET
See the agenda for the conference
Register now for the online conference
Conference registration is free for FAIR Institute members. Institute Membership is free to qualified professionals and will connect you with FAIR practitioners online and at local chapters, plus educational material to further your journey to quantitative cyber and technology risk management. Join the FAIR Institute now.