A busy year for the blog, with new product and service offerings to announce, and plenty to say on quantitative risk management best practices for board reporting, risk register maintenance and ransomware risk analysis, plus breaking news commentary on pipeline hacks and more. Here are the most popular posts among the new ones we published in 2021.
#1 FAIR Risk Assessment Examples: The Basics of a FAIR Assessment
Our blog followers are a hands-on bunch, and this blog post gives a concise, thorough look at the process of quantitative risk assessment. It was followed close behind in popularity by a similar post: Proven Use Cases to Start Quantitative Cyber Risk Management
Though primarily known for cyber risk assessment, the FAIR standard implemented by the RiskLens platform can also be applied to technology risk – as the world is recognizing, to judge by this post bubbling up to the top. For example, in this RiskLens case study, a furniture manufacturer wanted to determine if it should keep paying the annual subscription fee for support from the technology vendor for its order fulfillment system or bring the maintenance of the system in-house.
#3 How to Utilize a Risk Register in Cybersecurity
RiskLens clients turn their risk registers into highly useful tools by recasting the risk register entries into analyzable risk statements, as this post explains. To see that process in action, here’s another popular blog post from 2021: Video Introduction to the RiskLens Platform for ServiceNow GRC Users
Reporting on risk to the board should not be done in strictly technical terms and this post shows how the RiskLens platform can generate business-friendly reports understandable by board members at a glance.
RiskLens introduced a decision support solution for healthcare CISOs in 2021, followed by more industry-specific solutions. This post gives a closeup look at the data, risk scenarios and other pre-packaged aids to analysis, customized by industry.
# 6 Introducing the RiskLens Pro Managed Service: Cyber Risk Quantification Has Never Been Easier
Major challenges for many organizations involve finding the staff, skills, funding, and time necessary to run their CRQ program. Enter RiskLens Pro, our brand-new managed CRQ service that dramatically reduces the complexity and costs of implementing and maintaining a FAIR-based program.
RiskLens Pro Reporting
We are rapidly expanding our API offerings to make it easy to move data in and out of the RiskLens platform to automate analysis and reporting. At the same time, we are improving the quantity and quality of industry data feeding into the platform, based on the work of our respected data science team, as another popular post reported: RiskLens Data Science Presents Data Breach Costs Research at SIRAcon 2021
#8 Webinar: Colonial Pipeline Ransomware – a FAIR Perspective
We ran an ambitious webinar program in 2021, including this one, right on the news. The runner-up in popularity: Top Risks Assessments - A C-Suite Imperative.